Külföldi kiküldetés_2. rész

Taxation of foreign secondments – part two

In our first article , we looked at the differences in the tax and social security treatment of income earned for short and long-term secondments when we leave aside the issue of economic employer.

In our second article, we continue the topic of foreign secondments. We also review, from a tax perspective, the most common types of benefits and other income along the blue-collar (physical workers) and white-collar (intellectual workers) categories of workers, which we have analysed in more detail in our previous articles.

Benefits for physical workers (blue-collar workers)

The use of so-called fringe benefits is also widespread for physical workers. From 2019, this means in practice "only" the so-called SZÉP card. The question arises as to how these benefits are to be treated in the case of a physical worker who goes to work abroad for more than 183 days. More specifically which country is entitled to tax the fringe benefits. In the case of a treaty country, for example, the OECD interpretation gives guidance. According to this interpretation, these benefits are taxable on the basis of the underlying legal relationship (employment or mandate relationship). That is, in the same way as wage income. I.e. the fringe benefits are taxable only according to the foreign place of employment if the individual is tax resident abroad.

In the case of a long-term foreign secondment, any other benefits in kind (so-called “certain defined in-kind benefits”) are taxed in the same way. According to the OECD interpretation, if the benefit is received by the physical worker in respect of his/her employment it is all exempt from Hungarian taxation and taxable under the provisions of the country of foreign tax residence. Examples for other benefits could potentially be the amounts paid for a targeted service under the provisions of the Act on Voluntary Mutual Insurance Funds mentioned in our previous article, health insurance, life insurance or housing contributions for the foreign stay of the individual.

If the liability to pay contributions to the social security remains in Hungary because the individual plans to return home at the end of his/her long-term secondment, contributions are payable in Hungary on the employee's basic salary (monthly wages). While for SZÉP-card benefits and other benefits in kind, the Hungarian company providing the benefits does not have to pay social contribution tax.

Benefits for intellectual workers (white-collar workers)

There is no different treatment for intellectual workers compared to physical workers if they are employed in an employment relationship and their tax residence is transferred abroad.

However, if, for example, an executive officer has a mandate contract with his/her company and his/her social security insurance status remains with Hungary even during his/her foreign secondment (because he/she intends to return home at the end of his/her foreign secondment), his/her remuneration specified in his/her mandate contract will be subject to social securities during his/her long-term foreign secondment.

Finally, in the case of intellectual workers, we should also mention stock option schemes , which are perhaps one of the most popular forms of incentive at multinational group of companies, and also at medium-sized Hungarian companies. In the case of such benefits, it should be examined whether or not they are taxed in Hungary in respect of foreign tax residents. If there is a double tax treaty between the foreign country and Hungary, the provisions of the treaty should be applied. If there is no treaty, the Hungarian rules should be examined.

Reviewing both the relevant treaty and the Hungarian internal rules, we find that in the case of stock option schemes, the benefit should be assessed according to the underlying legal relationship (i.e. the employment relationship in the case of employees and the mandate relationship in the case of senior managers) and the tax treatment determined accordingly. If someone is a foreign tax resident, the consideration of Hungarian individuals received during their foreign secondment will be taxable in the foreign state concerned including benefits from stock option schemes.

To summarise the topic of foreign secondments, it can be said that there are several pitfalls if we approach the issue from a tax perspective only. It is therefore advisable to carefully analyse the relevant Hungarian and foreign rules. In many cases, comfortable decision on one or more elements of the benefits for seconded workers can only be reached if one consults with an expert on the field.

külföldi kiküldetés_1 rész

Taxation of foreign secondments - part one

The tax treatment of income received by seconded employees or managers working abroad on secondment or assignment schemes often causes problems not only for the posted worker, whether being a physical or intellectual one, but also for the tax directors. The question is interesting because it makes a difference what net income a person can take home at the end of the day, whether or not he or she is a manager.

If you are considering a secondment not just for a few days or weeks – when the issue is relatively straightforward – but for a longer period of time (more than six months or even years), it is advisable to find out in advance about the tax and social security consequences not only in Hungary but also in the country of secondment. The issue becomes more complicated if the individual remains entitled to various "Hungarian" benefits from the Hungarian posting company during his/her secondment being monthly wage or other regular benefits related to his/her employment (e.g. life insurance, pension savings, SZÉP card benefits). The question is even more interesting if the posted employee herself/himself has other, so-called separately taxable income, such as income from stock exchange transactions (dividends, capital gains, etc.), income from other securities or even income from the rental of Hungarian real estate, to name just a few.

In our first article, we look at the tax implications of payroll taxes in the context of foreign secondments. In the next part, we will briefly analyse the most common types of tax-advantaged benefits and other types of income along the blue-collar (physical workers) and white-collar (intellectual workers) categories of workers, which we have looked at in more detail in our previous articles.

Income from non-autonomous activities

Leaving aside the question of the economic employer, the key point of a posting abroad is the number of days the person spends abroad. If the place of work is different from the country of tax residence of the individual, the country of work will in principle have the right to tax the foreign earned income. However, if certain conditions are met, the right of taxation remains in Hungary.

When the foreign secondment does not exceed the much-mentioned 183 days and the employee returns to Hungary at the end of his/her secondment (his/her family also stays in Hungary during the secondment), the monthly wage income earned abroad is taxable in Hungary despite the work abroad (short-term secondment). In this case, the employee's residence does not change, he/she remains tax resident, i.e. all his income (wages, benefits, separately taxable income) must be declared in Hungary (his worldwide income is taxable in Hungary). In his/her case, this is the so-called complete range of tax liability.

The situation is different, however, if the individual's secondment exceeds 183 days (long-term secondment) or if the foreign company where the individual is working is a so-called economic employer , because in these cases the individual's tax situation may change. In such cases, the issue of tax residence must be carefully examined in the light of the domestic rules of the two countries concerned and, if applicable, the relevant double taxation convention, because the latter overrides the domestic rules. In addition, it is also advisable to review the social security regulations between Hungary and the country concerned or EU provisions on social securities.

If the individual's tax residence is transferred abroad and he/she can prove this with an official certificate of tax residence (issued by a foreign authority), because he/she is travelling on a foreign secondment for several years and, for example, his/her family is travelling with him/her, his/her wage income and employment-related benefits are no longer subject to Hungarian taxation. In this case, he/she will “only” be taxed in Hungary on his/her income from domestic source (meaning Hungarian), such as the income from the rental of the Hungarian property mentioned above.

As you can see, the personal income tax, social security and social contribution tax treatment of income and benefits may be different if a person is on a short-term foreign secondment or if he/she is moving with his/her family to work abroad for years provided that he/she remains employed by the Hungarian company during this period. It is therefore advisable to carefully study the relevant Hungarian and foreign payroll related tax rules, if necessary, with the assistance of an expert on these fields of taxation.

NAV figyelő

Tax monitor – April

Below we collected the most important notices and guidelines published on the Hungarian Tax Authority’s website in recent weeks.

Adóztatási számlaszámok és adónemek jegyzéke (2022.04.07.)

Adóztatási IBAN számlaszámok és adónemek (2022.04.07.)

Mi a teendője az üzemeltetőnek, ha pénztárgépét az adatkapcsolat szüneteltetése vagy korlátozása miatt blokkolta a NAV? (2022.04.12.)

Közlemény a 2021. évben szja 1%-os kiutalásban részesült technikai számos kedvezményezettekről (2022.04.26.)

Tájékoztató a jegybanki alapkamat változásáról (2022.04.26.)

Jegybanki alapkamat/ Central Bank base rate/ Leitzins der Zentralbank/ Taux de référence de la Banque Centrale (2022.04.26.)