
New reinforcement at TruTax

We are delighted that Kitti Laczkó has joined TruTax and that she will further strengthen our professional team with her in-depth knowledge. For more information on Kitti's professional background, please see her introduction below.

After graduating in economics, I applied for my first job at the National Tax and Customs Administration, where I spent 7 years in the customer information department and gained considerable experience, mainly in solving problems concerning individuals’ tax liability. I provided general tax advice on personal income tax, social security contribution, social contribution tax, wealth tax and KATA (tax for small companies), mainly to individual taxpayers and small entrepreneurs.

At NTCA, it is important for administrators to receive continuous training, and I was involved in training programmes and had the opportunity to give professional presentations over the years.

At Saldo Zrt, I further developed the strong knowledge base I had acquired at NTCA. I had the opportunity to gain insight into and try myself in the world of publishing, as well. I wrote several articles in the company's own publications, and I was also the co-author of a professional book. My area of expertise remained the fulfilment of tax obligations affecting private individual taxpayers, this time mostly from the payer/employer side.

Obtaining my tax advisor qualification, I chose TruTax because I envisioned my future at a tax consulting firm where I can think comprehensively about solving a tax problem, and consultants are not "specialized". I believe it is important for a tax advisor to have as much in-depth knowledge as possible in all aspects of taxation.

I am delighted to be part of the TruTax team, because among dedicated colleagues, the goal is always to find the most optimal – and not necessarily the fastest – solution focusing on compliance with the law. This attitude allows me to look our clients and the audit authority in the eye with a clear conscience.

SZÉP-kártya_15%-os díj

SZÉP-card: 15% fee on unused amounts

In order to mitigate the impact of the economic downturn caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war, as an economic improvement measure, on 6 October 2022 a Government Decree No. 381 of 2022 on the emergency rules for the use of the Széchenyi Pension Card (“SZÉP-card”) was issued. According to the Decree, a one-off fee of 15% will be charged on unused SZÉP-card amounts after 365 days passed commencing from their transfer to the relevant payment service provider. The newly introduced rules will remain in force until the existence of the emergency situation relating to the war.

The minimum amount of the fee charged will be at least HUF 100, and if the amount available in the individual's sub-accounts is less than this, the payment service provider will be entitled to deduct the full amount.

The 365-day grace period applies to funds credited on SZÉP-card accounts after 15 October 2022. For these funds, the fee will be deducted on 20 March and 20 September, so that the earliest date for the charge will be on 20 March 2024 (under current rules, of course, subject to the existence of the emergency situation relating to the war at that time).

However, what is more likely to affect those employees who received this benefit, is a special rule in the Decree. According to this rule, on 31 May 2023 the 15% fee will also be chargedon those amounts of the SZÉP-card accounts which are credited no later than 15 October 2022, however, not yet used on 31 May 2023.

For amounts credited until 15 October 2022, the period of free use will therefore be shortened (up to 7.5 months). As a consequence, it is worth considering postponing the transfer of SZÉP-card benefits in the month of October to a date falling after 15 October 2022.

It is important to note that the payment service provider will inform the SZÉP-card holders 90 days prior to the deduction of the fee of the unused SZÉP-card funds and the expected amount of the deduction. Thus, it should encourage the use of the funds before the 15% fee is deducted.

According to a special rule in the Decree, a written notice on the potential fee deduction for 2023 must be sent to the customers’ contact details available at the payment service provider by 15 January 2023 Individuals should therefore not wait to receive these notices on their Customer Gateway (so called “Ügyfélkapu” in Hungarian). Thus, if in the meantime there were changes in their contact details, it is advisable to modify them as soon as possible in the system of the SZÉP-card service provider.


TruTax article on

An article on intra-group transfer prices was published in cooperation with

The difficulties and trends in transfer pricing, the decades-long cat and mouse battle between authorities and multinationals, and the expected changes and tightening of legislation were discussed.

And of course, the Smart TPD software was also in focus...

Szigorodik a szabályozás és a NAV-ellenőrzés is a kapcsolt vállalkozások egymás közötti elszámolására | G7 – Gazdasági sztorik érthetően


Webinar: flat-rate taxation vs. entrepreneurial PIT

On 29 September 2022, Kitti Laczkó and Péter Kiss, tax advisors of TruTax, held a webinar in cooperation with Adózóna (HVG) on flat-rate taxation and entrepreneurial personal income tax.

The presentation covered the main points to know about the two forms of taxation, the structure/logic of taxation, administrative obligations, advantages, disadvantages and in general which taxation is worth to choose if the KATA is no longer applicable.

The presentation can be viewed back on the HVG website.

NAV figyelő

Tax monitor – September

Below we collected the most important notices and guidelines published on the Hungarian Tax Authority’s website in recent weeks.

A gépjárműadó befizetését támogató link használata (2022.09.01.)

2022/7. Adózási kérdés – A rendezvényszervezés áfamegítélése és számlázása (2022.09.05.)

Adóztatási IBAN számlaszámok és adónemek (2022.09.07.)

Adóztatási számlaszámok és adónemek jegyzéke (2022.09.07.)

Tájékoztató a jegybanki alapkamat változásáról (2022.09.27.)

Jegybanki alapkamat/ Central Bank base rate/ Leitzins der Zentralbank/ Taux de référence de la Banque Centrale (2022.09.27.)