Our services cover the comprehensive management of the work process related to various employee benefit schemes(cafeteria, employee share program, support, etc.). Our services include tax advice on planning, assessment of needs, preparation for implementation, implementation and maintenance.

We provide compensation and benefit advisory services to SMEs and large enterprises, to companies in Hungary and to multinationals.

Along with our partner network we can provide full-scope advisory services in connection with employee benefit schemes including tax, legal, accounting and business advice.

Main service areas:
  • blankreviewing and advising the existing employee compensation and benefit scheme 

  • blank examining the specific needs related to the employees' remuneration and incentives, assisting the planning phase
    blank examining the tax consequences of the relevant employee compensation and benefit scheme alternatives, identifying the most tax effective solution 
    blank assistance in preparing, submitting, and managing a request for a resolution and/or a tax ruling on the employee benefit scheme

  • blankassisting the preparation phase – preparing a detailed step plan with responsible person, deadlines, crucial points, etc.  
    blankassisting and advising the implementation phase, including the overall management as an external advisor

  • blankcontinuous maintenance, and related advice on the implemented employee benefit scheme 

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