NAV MI Munkacsoport

HTA: Artificial Intelligence Working Group

Based on Government Decision 1080/2022 (II. 23.) of 23 February 2022, an Artificial Intelligence Working Group will be established within the Hungarian National Tax and Customs Administration (HTA).

The aim of the working group is to exploit the value of HTA's data assets and thereby exploit the synergy between scientific methodologies and tax experience.

The specific tasks of the HTA AI Working Group will be the following in relation to the HTA data assets:

  • develop a proposal for a semantic data asset cadastre and a methodology for machine learning tagging,
  • testing of teaching algorithms,
  • develop a proposal for a validation methodology,
  • developing unsupervised machine learning,
  • presenting, publishing and promoting the results.

In addition to the HTA, among others, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the National Data Agency, the Central Statistical Office, the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory and the National Data Economy Knowledge Centre are represented in the AI Working Group. External experts may also participate in the activities of the working group at the invitation of the Chair of the AI Working Group.

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