Hungarian subsidiaries of multinational companies

We have decades of professional experience in supporting the financial, accounting, HR and tax managers of Hungarian subsidiaries in different tax matters.

We can assist these clients in the following areas: 

blankpersonalised, regular information on changes in tax legislation&nbspand the consequences of the changes on the company

blankswift and high-quality assistance in the implementation of legislative changes, including the identification of the most tax effective solution

blankfull-scope assistance in analysing and managing everyday and specific tax matters

blankproviding a cost-effective and client-oriented alternative to manage resource shortages in the tax area and processes az adózási területen/folyamatokban fellépő erőforráshiány kiegészítésére, pótlására

blankcomprehensive tax advisory services on investments in job creation, asset acquisition and facility expansion


Hungarian companies, groups of companies

We have extensive experience in providing support to the chief accountants and financial managers of Hungarian companies and groups of companies.

We can assist these clients in the following areas: 

blankproviding swift and effective assistance in taxes, meeting the expectations, requirements and deadlines determined by the shareholders

blankpersonalised, regular updates on changes in tax legislation affecting the company

blankassistance in identifying the consequences of legislative changes and the possible change management alternatives

blankswift and high-quality assistance in the implementation of legislative changes

blankfull-scope and reliable tax-related assistance in analysing and managing tax matters (e.g. investments in job creation, asset acquisition and facility expansion)

blankproviding a cost-effective and client-oriented alternative to manage resource shortages in the tax area and processes az adózási területen/folyamatokban fellépő erőforráshiány kiegészítésére, pótlására



Private business owners and investors

With our extensive knowledge and personalised approach, we support individual business owners and investors in different tax matters.

We can assist these clients in the following areas: 

blank high-quality and proactive tax advice on personal investments and savings

blank identifying, implementing and managing solutions for succession planning and generational change

blank tax advice on different strategic transactions (acquisition, sale, entry to the market, expansion, division, merger, etc.)

blank preparation and review of the year-end personal income tax return

Main tax advisory services regarding a company owned:

blank identifying, implementing, and managing relevant tax saving opportunities azonosítása, implementálása és menedzselése

blank comprehensive tax advisory services on investments in job creation, asset acquisition and facility expansion

blank tailor-made advice on employee compensation and benefit schemes kapcsolatos rendszerek, programok tekintetében


Hungarian subsidiaries of multinational companies

We have decades of professional experience in supporting the financial, accounting, HR and tax managers of Hungarian subsidiaries in different tax matters.


blankpersonalised, regular information on changes in tax legislation&nbspand the consequences of the changes on the company  

blankswift and high-quality assistance in the implementation of legislative changes, including the identification of the most tax effective solution

blankfull-scope segítségnyújtás a mindennapi üzletmenet, illetve az egyedi tranzakciók során felmerülő adózási kérdések megválaszolásában, kezelésében

blankköltséghatékony és ügyfélközpontú alternatíva biztosítása az adózási területen/folyamatokban fellépő erőforráshiány kiegészítésére, pótlására

blankmunkahelyteremtésre, eszközbeszerzésre, létesítménybővítésre vonatkozó beruházásokkal kapcsolatos adótanácsadás

Hungarian companies, groups of companies

We have extensive experience in providing support to the chief accountants and financial managers of Hungarian companies and groups of companies.

Private business owners and investors

Széles körű, több területre kiterjedő szaktudásunkkal és látásmódunkkal támogatjuk we support individual business owners and investors in different tax matters.

blank high-quality and proactive tax advice on personal investments and savings blank identifying, implementing and managing solutions for succession planning and generational change blank tax advice on different strategic transactions (acquisition, sale, entry to the market, expansion, division, merger, etc.) blank preparation and review of the year-end personal income tax return
blank identifying, implementing, and managing relevant tax saving opportunities azonosítása, implementálása és menedzselése blank comprehensive tax advisory services on investments in job creation, asset acquisition and facility expansion blank tailor-made advice on employee compensation and benefit schemes kapcsolatos rendszerek, programok tekintetébena vállalat, vállalatcsoport eladásával, valamint a cég, cégcsoport terjeszkedésével, új üzletág, cég felvásárlásával kapcsolatos adótanácsadás
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